Vata in Ayurveda nepal

Ayurveda Simplified: Meaning Of Common Terms Used in Ayurveds

Ayurveda describes health as a holistic balance encompassing physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being. This ancient medicinal science revolves around the concept of Pachamahabhoota, representing the five fundamental elements – Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Additionally, Ayurveda emphasizes the significance of Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), which are present not only in the body but also in the mind and spirit. In simpler terms, Ayurveda views health as the harmonious interplay of these elements and doshas within every aspect of an individual.

Dosha In Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, which is a kind of ancient wisdom, they talk about three special energies called Doshas. These Doshas are named Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Now, guess what? Each one of us has a mix of these energies that make us unique! These Doshas are like superheroes that take care of how our minds and bodies do their jobs, and they help us stay healthy and happy.
Now, let’s talk about the building blocks of life. Imagine building a cool fort with five special elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. These elements make everything in the world, including us! But here’s the fun part – these elements join together in different ways to create the Doshas. It’s like making your own special recipe!
Vata Dosha is like a mix of space and air, Pitta is a mix of fire and water, and Kapha is like a combo of water and earth. Isn’t that amazing?
These Doshas are like magical helpers that keep changing based on what we do, eat, think, and even the seasons. If we listen to our Doshas and live in a way that suits our nature, we stay healthy and balanced. But if we ignore our superhero Doshas and do things that don’t match our nature, uh-oh, that’s when problems like getting sick might happen!
Now, here’s a cool secret: if you keep your Doshas in the right balance, just like when you were born, you can be super healthy and full of energy. But if things get a bit mixed up, it’s called Vikruti, and that can bring some imbalance.
Imagine there are three Dosha states: balanced (everything is just right), increased (one Dosha is too active), and decreased (one Dosha is a bit lazy). It’s like a Goldilocks story – we want everything to be “just right” for our Doshas!
So, my little pals, it’s like having your very own superhero team inside you! Knowing about your Doshas helps you understand yourself better, like a little health detective. And remember, the more you know, the better you can take care of yourself when things go a little wobbly. How cool is that? Ayurveda is like having a guidebook for your own adventure of staying happy and healthy!

dosha defination
dosha defination

Vata In Ayurveda

Vata is one of the three Doshas, or life energies, that plays a key role in energy, movement, and nerve signals within the body. It embodies the qualities of the elements ether and air. Throughout the year, Vata tends to be more influential, especially during the fall and seasonal transitions. For those with a dominant Vata constitution, it’s important to pay extra attention to their diet and lifestyle choices during these times to maintain balance and well-being.

Characteristics of Vata Dosha

An individual with a Vata constitution is imaginative, lively, and full of energy. They grasp new ideas quickly but may forget them just as fast. These individuals are alert, active, and enjoy being on the move.
People with a Vata type often have a fondness for music and dance, with classical tunes providing a soothing experience. They also appreciate warm and gentle oil massages. Creating a comfortable environment with soft fabrics like silk or cotton is essential for maintaining their inner balance. Living in rooms that exude warmth and comfort is beneficial for them.
However, due to their spontaneous nature, those with a Vata constitution may make impulsive and unnecessary financial decisions. When in balance, though, they exhibit a lively, friendly, and creative demeanor throughout their lives.

Physical characteristics of Vata Dosha

The Vata types are like different shapes. Some are like little rectangles, and some are like big rectangles. They have bodies that are not too strong but are a bit like the muscles of people who run really far. Their skin is thin and can wrinkle easily, like paper, and they may have hair that is soft and fuzzy. Sometimes, their teeth may not be perfectly straight. These are some of the things that make Vata types special.

Common Imbalances of Vata Dosha

Some people have a special way their body works called Vata. It’s like their body has a bit of excitement and energy that goes up and down, like a roller coaster. These people need to eat regularly to keep their energy levels steady. If they don’t eat on time, it can make them feel a little bit funny.
Now, because these Vata people are active in different ways, sometimes their sleep might not be perfect. Imagine trying to sleep while having a really exciting dream – it can be a bit tricky for them.
If their Vata gets out of balance for a long time, they might start feeling scared, worried, or nervous. It’s like having a lot of butterflies in your tummy.
And just like how we catch a cold or get a fever sometimes, Vata people might be more likely to have certain health things like coughing a lot, achy joints, or dry skin and hair. It’s like their bodies need a little extra care to stay healthy.
So, it’s important for them to eat well, get good sleep, and take care of themselves to feel happy and healthy!

Health Suggestion of Vata Dosha

If you’re a person with a lot of Vata energy, it means you have a certain way your body likes things to be. For you, it’s super important to eat your meals at the same time every day. Try not to skip meals or spend too much time in really cold places or doing really hard exercises. It’s better for you to be in warm and humid places.
For your meals, you should have warm, well-cooked, and oily foods. These are the best for your body. You can use more oil in your cooking than people with other types of bodies. But, be careful with raw, frozen, or dried veggies – they might not be the best for you. Sometimes, you can have a salad with yummy dressing.
If your joints hurt, it’s better to avoid certain foods like tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and potatoes. Instead, take oil baths, eat good food, and make sure to have peace and quiet. These things help you feel better.
But oh no, stay away from sugar, caffeine, and tobacco! Your body doesn’t like them, and you might get too attached to them.
Remember, keeping a routine, eating good food, and taking care of yourself in a calm and peaceful way is the best medicine for you!


Pitta In Ayurveda

People who have a dominant Pitta constitution can be described as having a lot of fire inside them. This fire is like a strong, sharp, and energetic force. Even though there is also some water in their constitution, the fire is the boss and stands out more. This fire is like the boss that manages everything inside their body – it takes care of how their body uses energy, controls the temperature, and keeps their hormones in balance.

What is Pitta Dosha?

Pitta types are like superheroes with special qualities! They are very smart, always paying attention, and quick thinkers. They are great at organizing things and can focus on their work really well. This means they could be awesome leaders, planners, or even teachers.
When it comes to money, they are like money experts. They are careful and thoughtful about how they spend their money. They like things to be in order.
Pitta types also have preferences for where they work. They like places that are bright and have good air. Imagine working in a room that feels like a cozy kitchen with a stove – that would be tricky for them! It’s important for them to have a good massage with nice-smelling oils like rose or sandalwood to help them relax.
So, Pitta types are like super-smart and organized friends who enjoy working in bright and airy places, and they love a good massage to feel calm and happy!

Pitta Dosha characteristics

ople with a lot of Pitta in them usually have a body that is not too big or too small, and they are of medium height. Their skin is bright, meaning it looks lively and is sensitive, which means it can easily feel things. The skin is also warmer and doesn’t have as many wrinkles as the skin of some other types of people. Sometimes, these people might have hair that feels silky, but they might also notice their hair turning grey or falling out earlier than usual. Pitta-dominant folks really enjoy eating and have a strong ability to digest and process their food. They like spicy food that is hot and cold drinks. However, to keep their body in balance, it’s good for them to eat foods that taste sweet, bitter, and astringent. This helps them feel good and stay healthy.

Special Pitta Imbalance

People who are mostly Pitta dominant might sometimes feel really mad and angry, especially when they’re super hungry. It’s also tricky for them to calm down and take it easy after they’ve been really focused on their work for a long time. The Pitta type can also have trouble sleeping.
If there’s too much Pitta in the body, it can cause inflammation, which is like when your body gets red and swollen. This can lead to other problems like acne, stomach and intestinal ulcers (ouch, that hurts in your tummy!), gastritis, liver infections (the liver is an important organ in our body), eczema (a skin problem), and other skin diseases like furuncles (a big pimple) and abscesses (a sore bump). So, it’s important for Pitta people to take care of themselves and eat well to avoid getting these issues.

Health Tips On Pitta Dosha

If someone has a lot of Pitta in them, it means they need to be careful about some things to stay healthy. It’s like their body has a lot of heat, so they should avoid doing too much intense exercise when it’s really hot outside. It’s better to play or exercise in the cooler parts of the day.
When it comes to food, they should eat just the right amount and not too much. Eating lots of vegetables, especially the bitter ones, is good for them. But they should be careful not to eat too much spicy, salty, or sour food. Sometimes, it’s okay to have a little bit of beer or drinks like coffee or tea.
For relaxation, they can have massages like shiatsu, rolfing, or rebalancing, which can help them feel better. So, it’s important for them to take care of their bodies by doing the right things and eating the right foods.

pitta in ayurvedas nepal
pitta in ayurvedas nepal

Kapha In Ayurveda

Imagine your body is like a house, and Kapha is like the caretaker. Kapha helps keep everything in order and makes sure everything runs smoothly. It’s in charge of making sure you have the right amount of weight and that you grow properly.
Just like how oil makes machines work smoothly, Kapha helps your joints move easily and keeps your lungs working well. Also, Kapha is like a builder that helps create different parts of your body, such as blood, bones, muscles, and more. So, it’s like a superhero that takes care of many important things to keep you healthy and strong!

General characteristics of Kapha Dosha

magine your body as a superhero with three special powers: strength, stamina, and endurance! When these powers are in perfect balance, the superhero is like a wise and calm leader who can handle any problem with patience and understanding. They are the best team players and friends because they are so forgiving and kind.
But, oh no! Sometimes, our superhero can get a little off balance. Instead of eating just the right amount, they might eat too much. Instead of playing and moving around, they might want to stay in bed all day. And guess what? They might start feeling a little greedy, possessive, or jealous.
It’s like our superhero needs a little help to get back to being strong, full of energy, and ready to face the day with a big smile!

Physical characteristics of Kapha Dosha

The Kapha body type is like the superhero of bodies! People with a Kapha body have strong and powerful bodies with big, strong muscles. Imagine a superhero with a sturdy and robust body – that’s what Kapha bodies are like. Their skin is like a protective shield, it’s thick and feels a bit oily, like when you put lotion on your hands. And guess what? It’s super smooth too, just like how a superhero’s costume feels! So, Kapha bodies are like the superheroes with strong muscles and tough, smooth skin.

Common Disorder Related to Kapha Dosha

Some people have a special way their body works, called Kapha. If someone has a lot of Kapha, they might face problems like being too heavy, feeling really sad, having sugar problems (called diabetes), and having issues with stones. If their Kapha is not balanced well, they might get sick with things like the flu, stuffy noses, and headaches. They could also feel tired a lot and keep too much water in their body.

Health Suggestion of Kapha Dosha

Let’s talk about something interesting called Kapha types. These are people who can keep themselves healthy and strong for a really long time if they do a few special things.
Firstly, they should make sure to move and exercise a lot. Changing their job and where they live every once in a while can also be good for them. Instead of taking naps during the day, they can do exciting activities to keep themselves active.
Now, let’s chat about the food they should eat. Kapha types should try to avoid certain foods like dairy products and fried stuff. Instead, they should enjoy leafy vegetables and ones that grow above the ground. They can have chicken, eggs, seafood, and rabbit in their meals. It’s better for them to eat legumes (like beans and lentils) in moderation. Don’t worry too much about eating too much protein!
Adding yummy spices to their food is a great idea, especially ginger and garlic. Surprisingly, they are not as affected by tobacco and liquor as some other people. If they decide to have a little drink, wine is a better choice for them.
So, by doing these things, Kapha types can stay happy, healthy, and full of energy for a long, long time! Cool, right?

kapha in ayurveda nepal
kapha in ayurveda nepal

Prakriti In Ayurveda

Imagine your body is like a special recipe that was made when you were born. This special recipe is called “Prakriti.” It includes both the way your body looks on the outside and how you feel on the inside. Once this recipe is made, it stays the same throughout your whole life.
Now, there are three main types of Prakriti – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Some people even have a mix of two types. Ayurveda, which is like a special way of keeping our bodies healthy, says that we need to understand our Prakriti to stay balanced and healthy.
Ayurveda also tells us that there are three things that help decide our Prakriti:

  1. Sukra-Shonit Prakriti: This is like the ingredients from our mom and dad that make us. It’s about how they were when they made us.
  2. Kala-garbhasaya Prakriti: This is about how our home (the uterus) was when we were growing inside our mom.
  3. Matu-ahar Prakriti: It’s about the kind of food our mom ate when she was pregnant with us.
    Ayurveda says there are seven types of Prakriti, but let’s focus on three:
  4. Monotypes: Some people have a lot of Vata, Pitta, or Kapha in them.
  5. Dual types: Others have a mix of two types, like Vata-Pitta, Pitta-Kapha, or Kapha-Vata.
  6. Equal types: Some have a little bit of all three – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – just like a perfect mix!
    So, understanding our special recipe (Prakriti) helps us stay healthy and happy by keeping everything in our body just right!
prakriti in ayurveda nepal
prakriti in ayurveda nepal

Dhatu In Ayurveda

According to ayurveda Our bodies are made up of different parts, like bones, muscles, and organs. These parts are called “Dhatus.” There are seven types of Dhatus, and each one has a special job to help our bodies work properly.

  1. Rasa (Plasma): This is like the first building block of our bodies. It’s like the liquid part inside and outside our cells that helps nourish our blood.
  2. Rakta (Blood): Rasa turns into Rakta, which flows through our blood vessels to give every part of our body the things it needs. It helps keep us alive and makes sure gases move around in our body.
  3. Mamsa (Muscle): Inside our body, we have muscles made of Mamsa Dhatu. There are different types of muscles that help our heart beat, our organs work, and let us move around.
  4. Medas (Fat): Medas Dhatu is like the soft, oily part that helps our organs move smoothly. It also makes up the tissues in our brain and helps control our body temperature.
  5. Asthi (Bone): Asthi Dhatu gives our body its strong structure. It’s like the solid part that makes our bones and helps us stand and move.
  6. Majja (Marrow): Majja Dhatu is like the semi-solid part inside our bones. It comes in different colors and helps our bones and some parts of our brain and spine.
  7. Shukra (Reproductive Tissue): Shukra Dhatu is like the special part that helps us make babies when we grow up. It’s the most refined essence of all the Dhatus.
    These Dhatus are always changing and getting their nourishment from the food we eat. So, they work together to keep our bodies healthy and strong!
Pancha Dhatu in ayurveda nepal
Pancha Dhatu in ayurveda nepal

Lehyas In Ayurveda

Lehyas in ayurveda are special kinds of ayurvedic medicines that are made using ingredients like sugar or jaggery, herbal powder, herbal pulp, and other special things. They are like a kind of soft medicine, and they make it by cooking all these things with a special liquid. After it cools down, they even add honey to keep the good parts of the medicine.
These special medicines can help people with different problems like coughs, asthma, skin issues, and arthritis. Adults usually take around 10 to 15 grams of this medicine. Some Lehyas are so good that they can make your body feel better and more energetic. Some examples of these special medicines are Brahma Rasayanam, Agasthya Rasayanam, and Chyavanaprasam.

abhaleya in nepal
abhaleya in nepal

Taila In Ayurveda

Taila in ayurveda is a special kind of medicine that people make using herbs. It’s like a magical potion! To make Taila, they mix a special herbal paste with a liquid made from herbs and heat it all up in a type of oil. This oil is like a special potion base.
The oil gets filtered, which means they take out any bits that we don’t want in the medicine, and then they keep it in plastic or glass bottles to keep it safe. They also sometimes add something that smells nice, like a natural perfume, to make it smell good!
Now, here’s the recipe for making this magical Taila potion:

  1. They start with a special oil, usually sesame oil, as the base. This is like the main ingredient in the potion.
  2. Then, they add a special liquid made from herbs, which can be either herbal juice or something called a decoction. It’s like adding a special kind of water to the potion.
  3. Sometimes, they add something called Gandha Dravya, which is like a natural perfume. This makes the potion smell nice and pleasant.
    To make sure the potion is super powerful, they use fresh herbs, and the dried herbs (used for making decoctions) shouldn’t be older than six months. They have a rule for how much of each ingredient to use – four parts of the special oil, one part of the herbal paste, and sixteen parts of the special liquid. It’s like a magical recipe for making people feel better!
Taila in nepal
Taila in nepal

Ojas In Ayurveda

Ayurveda, which is a kind of ancient knowledge about keeping our bodies healthy, teaches us about something called Ojas. Ojas is like a special power that our mind and body need to be strong, healthy, and happy. We can make more Ojas and keep it safe by eating good and healthy food, meditating (which is like taking quiet time to relax and think), and making sure everything in our life is balanced and not too stressful.
Our heart is like the boss of Ojas, so it’s a good idea to do exercises that open up our heart to keep Ojas strong. The food we eat is like the fuel for Ojas. It’s important that we eat things that are good for us and make sure they are well-prepared and fresh. Some foods, like reheated or oily ones, are not good for Ojas. Also, meat is considered not so good for it.
When we eat things that are not good for us or when we feel stressed, our body can make something called Ama. Ama is like bad stuff that blocks Ojas from doing its job. This can make us sick. To keep Ojas working well, we need to avoid Ama by eating healthy, fresh food, and managing stress.
Ojas is like the superhero inside us that fights off sickness and keeps us happy and strong. When we have lots of Ojas, we don’t feel tired or get sick easily. Ojas brings happiness, makes our mind clear, and keeps us looking healthy. So, it’s important to take care of Ojas by eating well, staying calm, and making good choices in our life.

Rasayana In Ayurveda

Rasayana in ayurveda is a special word made up of two parts – ‘Rasa’ and ‘Ayana.’ ‘Rasa’ means essence, like the most important part of something, and ‘Ayana’ means path, like a way or road. So when we put them together, Rasayana means ‘the path of the essence.’ It’s like a special way of taking care of ourselves.
In Ayurveda, which is a really old and wise system of healing from India, they say that Rasayana is like a science. It helps us live a long and healthy life. It also helps us stay strong and makes us feel good, even as we get older. They use special things from nature, like herbs, to make this happen.
When we talk about Rasayana, there are two main types. One is called behavioral, which means doing things that make our minds and spirits happy, like eating good and healthy food, doing yoga, and meditating. The other type is herbal, which means using special plants and things from nature to keep us healthy.
The herbal part of Rasayana uses about ten to twenty different plants, along with fruits and minerals. It’s like making a special recipe to help our bodies and minds stay in good shape. There are also two more types of Rasayana – one that helps make our lives better and keeps us full of energy, and another one that fights off sickness and helps us stay strong.
So, Rasayana is like a magical way of taking care of ourselves, using good habits, special plants, and a positive attitude. It’s a bit like having a secret recipe to stay happy and healthy!

Panchkarma In Ayurveda

Panchkarma is a special word from Sanskrit, an ancient language. It means five actions or five ways to help our body stay healthy. Imagine our body like a house, and sometimes bad things like sickness, not eating good food, and things from the environment can make our body messy. Panchkarma is like a superhero that helps clean up and make our body strong again.
Our body is like a superhero too. It can usually clean up by itself, but sometimes, when we make not-so-good choices like eating not healthy food or doing things that aren’t good for us, our body gets a bit confused. Panchkarma comes to the rescue and helps our body get rid of the confusion.

shirodhara in nepal panchakrma
shirodhara in nepal panchakrma

Panchkarma in ayurveda has some cool actions that it does to help us. First, it gives our body a warm oil massage every day. It’s like a cozy hug for our body. Then, there’s something called herbal steam therapy, which is like a spa day for our body. There’s also a special massage for our lymphatic system, and it helps our body feel better.
Panchkarma also uses herbal enemas and something called nasal administrations. These are like special treatments that help our body get rid of the bad stuff. There are even more special treatments like Shirodhara, Garshana, Udvartana, and Pinda Swedana, which are like extra special things to make our body happy.
So, in simple words, Panchkarma in ayurveda is a superhero that helps our body clean up and be strong. It’s like a spa day for our insides, making us feel better and healthier. Yay for Panchkarma!




DHASINGARE (Gaultheria fragrantissima)

DHATURA (Datura metel)




GHUIKUMARI (Aloe barbadensis)






INDRAJAU ( Holarrhena pubescens )


JAMUN (Syzygium cumini)


KAKAD SINGHI (Pistacia chinensis)

KAKOLI ( Fritillaria cirrhosa)







Medicinal Plants of Nepal! Preserving the Past, Healing the Future







PADBIRI (Paederia foetida)

PANCHAUNLE (Dactylorhiza hatagirea)




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