Dive into the fascinating world of Ayurvedic remedies for severe migraines! Uncover the secrets behind ancient solutions and effective medications designed to soothe those pounding headaches. Learn about natural ingredients that have been trusted for generations to bring relief. From herbal wonders to time-tested practices, this exploration promises exciting insights into how Ayurveda addresses severe migraines. Discover the power of holistic healing and traditional wisdom in managing these headaches. Get ready for a journey filled with intriguing facts, vibrant remedies, and the age-old wisdom that could help you or someone you know find relief from those stubborn migraines!
Migraines are really painful headaches that can make life tough. You might have heard about them and know how inconvenient they are to deal with. The headaches are scary and can spread if not treated. The pain gets worse, and sometimes, it can even keep you in bed for days. But don’t worry, there are treatments and remedies to manage migraines. Check out this blog to learn about Ayurvedic treatments and some home remedies for migraines. It’s important to find ways to handle these headaches and make life better.
What does “Migraine” mean?
Migraine, a neurological ailment, causes intense throbbing headaches, often on one side, with added discomfort like nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Common pain areas include eyes, neck, nose, head, and face.
Different Types:
1. Migraine with aura
2. Migraine without aura
3. Migraine without head pain
4. Hemiplegic migraine
5. Retinal migraine
6. Chronic migraine
7. Migraine with brainstem aura
8. Status migrainosus
Migraines last 4 to 72 hours. Ayurveda, an ancient healing system, addresses migraines holistically. Let’s explore how Ayurvedic remedies aim to understand and manage this neurological condition.
Why Migraines Happen?
Migraines are complex neurological disorders, and their exact cause remains a puzzle. Researchers believe various factors play a role:
1. Genetics: Migraines often run in families, hinting at a genetic link.
2. Environmental Triggers: Factors like weather changes, bright lights, loud noises, and specific smells may trigger migraines.
3. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in estrogen levels, especially in women, can spark migraines, making them more common in females.
4. Lifestyle Factors: Migraines may be influenced by lifestyle, including inadequate sleep, stress, and irregular eating patterns.

Understanding these factors brings us one step closer to managing and preventing migraines effectively.
What Ayurveda Says About Migraines
Migraine, known as Ardhavabhedhaka in Ayurveda, arises from Dosha imbalances affecting eye health, sleep, focus, and productivity. Ayurveda adopts a holistic approach, addressing both symptoms and root causes.
Ayurvedic Type And Treatment Of Headaches
- Vata-Type Headache Treatment
• Ghee application on the head and ingesting with warm water.
• Warm milk with dashmula poured on the head.
• Varanadi gana herbs boiled in milk, the butter used as nasya.
• Re-establishing apana vayu with laxatives and anuvasana basti.
• Herbal paste of cinnamon, garlic, and ginger on forehead.
• Shirodhara and shirobasti for chronic headaches.
• Nasya for conditions above the neck.
• Rasayana program for low ojas.
B. Pitta-Type Headache Treatment
• Oleation and venesection.
• Cold compress, purifying enema therapy.
• Medicated milk or ghee with jivaniya gana herbs.
• Purgative herbs for constipation.
• Nasya therapy with chrysanthemum and brahmi ghee.
• Cool nervine sedatives for anger.
• Medicated oil with sandalwood and brahmi for massage.
C. Kapha-Type Headache Treatment
• Oleation with old ghee and inducing vomiting.
• Nasal herbs with dry, hot qualities.
• Fasting, fomentation, and herbal pastes.
• Clearing sinuses with nasya or internal herbs.
• Paste of clove, garlic, and cinnamon on the head.
• Niruha basti with ginger and honey in water.
D. Sannipattika-Type Headache Treatment
• Combination of all three doshas.
• Panchakarma for strong patients.
• Palliation therapy for purification.

E. Tension Headache Treatment
• Neck massage, spinal manipulation, and yoga.
• Stress management advice.
F. Suryavarta Headache Treatment
• Similar to pitta-type headache.
• Blood letting with leeches or venesection.
G. Krimija Headache Treatment
• Placing animal blood in the nose.
• Strong nasal medications or smoke inhalation for worms.
Herbs for Different Headache Types
• Wet type: vacha, trikatu, cinnamon, eucalyptus oil, camphor oil, guggulu.
• Nervous type: tagarah, jatamamsi, nutmeg.
• Heat type: aloe vera, chrysanthemum, brahmi, bhringaraja.
Ayurvedic migraine treatment involves:
1. Detoxification: A thorough cleansing process.
2. Home Remedies: Utilizing pure, homegrown ingredients.
3. Lifestyle Changes: Adopting healthier habits.
4. Refined Diet: Choosing nutritious foods.
5. Relaxation Techniques: Methods to ease pain.
Moreover, Ayurvedic remedies for migraines avoid lab-synthesized drugs, minimizing the risk of substance overdose. Embrace a natural, holistic path to manage migraines effectively!
Ayurvedic Solutions for Migraines
Explore Ayurveda’s potential answers to migraines, tackling the issue at its core. These remedies not only relieve symptoms but also reduce the likelihood of migraines returning.
Discover Ayurvedic home remedies and medicines for migraines in this section.
• Ayurveda offers various solutions to migraines.
• Remedies focus on treating the issue from the root.
• Relief from symptoms and reduced chances of reoccurrence are key benefits.
Learn about Ayurvedic home remedies and medicines for migraines here.
Natural Ways to Relieve Migraines at Home
Discover effective home remedies to ease migraines. Try these simple solutions to find relief:
1, Improve Your Eating Habits
Your health is linked to the food you eat, and the same goes for managing migraines. Certain foods may not be the best choice when dealing with migraine headaches. It’s recommended to steer clear of the following:

1. Bacon, sausages, and deli meat.
2. Tyramine-rich cheeses like cheddar, feta, and blue cheese.
3. Chocolates.
4. Limit alcohol intake, especially avoiding red wine.
5. Extremely cold foods like ice cream or cold beverages.
6. Beans.
7. Processed foods.
8. Pickles.
9. Cultured dairy like buttermilk and yogurt.
10. Dry fruits.
Making wise food choices can play a crucial role in managing migraine symptoms effectively.
2, Consume Magnesium
Boost Your Health with Magnesium! Did you know that a lack of magnesium is connected to migraines? Make sure to include magnesium-rich foods in your diet for a happier, healthier you. 🌰🍳 Discover these sources:
• Nuts: Almonds, cashews, and peanuts.
• Seeds: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.
• Eggs: A tasty and nutritious option.
• Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard. Enhance your well-being by incorporating these magnesium-packed foods into your meals. Your body will thank you, and you might just find relief from those pesky migraines! 🌿✨
3, Butterbur for Migraines
Butterbur, derived from the Petasites root, comes in pill form to tackle migraines. Studies suggest that taking 50-75 milligrams of Petasites twice a day may prevent migraines effectively. However, caution is crucial, as this root can be harmful to the liver. Regular monitoring by a doctor is necessary during treatment. Explore the potential benefits of Butterbur for migraine relief.
4, Inhale Lavender Oil
Lavender oil offers relief for migraine pain. Inhale it directly or mix with a carrier oil. Apply to temples and gently massage for headache relief. A study found three months of lavender therapy reduced migraine frequency and severity. A review explored lavender oil’s effectiveness against migraines, suggesting it could help manage them. However, more research is needed for a conclusive understanding. Lavender’s aromatic properties provide a natural remedy, and studies hint at its potential in soothing migraine symptoms. So, if you seek a holistic approach to migraine management, lavender oil might be a fragrant ally.
5, Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba, a herbal remedy, comes from leaves of a Chinese tree. It offers relief for migraines due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
• Natural Origin: Ginkgo Biloba is derived from a tree in China.
• Migraine Relief: It helps in easing symptoms of migraines.
• Anti-Inflammatory: The remedy reduces inflammation in the body.
• Antioxidant Power: Ginkgo Biloba acts as an antioxidant.
• Traditional Wisdom: It is part of traditional herbal practices.
6, Try Ginger Tea
Ease migraine-related nausea naturally with ginger, a fantastic home remedy. Enjoy ginger tea moderately to alleviate pain, dizziness, and other migraine symptoms effectively.
For maximum benefits:
1. Add small amounts of ginger to your daily food.
2. Include ginger in your daily tea routine.
Discover the soothing power of ginger as a simple yet effective solution for managing migraines and enhancing overall well-being.
7,Use Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil, rich in menthol, can help fend off migraine pain. A 2019 study tested 4% lidocaine with 1.5% peppermint oil against migraines, aiming to gauge effectiveness. The findings showed a remarkable 40% of participants using the lidocaine-peppermint combo reported substantial relief and improvements in symptoms. To ease your migraine, gently massage peppermint oil onto your temples. Enjoy the soothing benefits of this natural remedy.
8, Do Yoga Every Day
Yoga, a type of exercise, aligns the body and mind, reducing various body pains and relieving migraines. A 2015 study found that specific yoga poses can ease anxiety, release tension, and manage migraines. Here are some yoga poses that may help with migraines:
1. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose): Stretches the body, promoting relaxation.
2. Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-legged forward bend pose): Helps release tension and improve blood flow.
3. Shishuasana (Child pose): Provides a calming effect, reducing stress.
4. Janu Sirsasana (Head to knee pose): Eases tension in the head and neck.
5. Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend pose): Promotes relaxation and reduces migraine symptoms.
9, Drink Enough Water
Dehydration can cause headaches and migraines by affecting your brain and nervous system due to the loss of fluids and essential minerals in your body. To prevent migraines, stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and fluids, especially in hot weather, during exercise, or when unwell. Foods like watermelon, cucumber, celery, and lettuce with high water content can also help. If a migraine hits due to dehydration, rehydrate promptly with water and consider electrolyte-rich sports drinks or coconut water to replace lost minerals. Ease the pain by using a cold compress on your forehead or neck.
• Dehydration affects the brain and nervous system, causing headaches and migraines.
• Prevention involves staying hydrated by drinking water and fluids throughout the day.
• High-water-content foods like watermelon, cucumber, celery, and lettuce can also help.
• Rehydrate promptly with water, electrolyte-rich drinks, or coconut water if a migraine occurs.
• Ease the pain by using a cold compress on the forehead or neck.

10, Rest in a Dark Room
Resting in a dark place is a helpful way to handle migraines. It lowers stress and tension, common triggers for migraines. Find a quiet, dark room without distractions to relax. Lack of sleep can also trigger migraines, so ensure you get enough rest at night. Consider taking a nap during the day if necessary.
1. Rest in a quiet, dark room.
2. Reduce stress and tension.
3. Common migraine triggers.
4. Lack of sleep can cause migraines.
5. Ensure enough rest at night.
6. Consider daytime naps if needed.
11, Cold Compress
Ease migraines with a cold compress on your head. This simple remedy can bring quick relief by reducing inflammation and numbing pain. Here’s how:
1. Grab a clean cloth or ice pack.
2. Place it on your forehead or temples.
3. Relax for about 15 minutes.
4. Cold helps constrict blood vessels, relieving headache.
It’s a quick fix you can try anywhere – at home, school, or even during a play break! Feel the cool comfort and wave goodbye to migraine discomfort. Remember, it’s an easy trick, but always check with an adult before trying new remedies.
Avoid These Actions During a Migraine
Experiencing a migraine? Here’s what to avoid:
1. Skipping Meals:
• Causes low blood sugar.
• Triggers migraines.
• Eat regularly for balance.
2. Identify Trigger Foods:
• Avoid chocolate, cheese, caffeine, and alcohol.
• Identify your trigger foods.
3. Pain Medication Caution:
• Overusing aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen can lead to rebound headaches.
• Follow recommended dosage.
4. Avoid Bright Lights and Loud Noises:
• Worsen migraine symptoms.
• Find a quiet, dark place to rest.
5. Rest During Migraine:
• Strenuous activity worsens symptoms.
• Rest and avoid strenuous activities.
6. Say No to Smoking:
• Smoking worsens migraines.
• Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke.
Ayurvedic Medicines for Migraine
Ayurveda, the ancient system of holistic healing, offers various herbal remedies to manage migraines. While it’s important to consult a healthcare professional before trying any new treatment, some Ayurvedic medicines are traditionally believed to help alleviate migraine symptoms. Here are a few commonly used Ayurvedic remedies:

- Shirshuladi Vajra Ras:
This classical Ayurvedic formulation combines herbs and minerals to address headaches, including migraines.
- Godanti Bhasma:
Known for its cooling properties, this Ayurvedic medicine, made from gypsum, is believed to be beneficial in managing migraines.
- Mukta Pishti:
This pearl powder is used in Ayurveda for its calming effects and is thought to help reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.
- Sootshekhar Ras:
A blend of herbs and minerals, this Ayurvedic medicine is traditionally used for various types of headaches, including migraines.
- Pathyadi Kwath:
This herbal decoction is prepared from various plants and is believed to have analgesic properties, providing relief from migraine pain.
- Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri):
Known for its cognitive benefits, Brahmi is considered in Ayurveda to have a calming effect on the nervous system, potentially reducing migraine occurrences.
- Lavender Oil:
While not a traditional Ayurvedic medicine, inhaling the aroma of lavender oil is sometimes recommended in Ayurveda for its calming effects, which may help manage migraine symptoms.
Ayurvedic treatments for migraine relief
Ayurveda, an ancient healing system, offers natural solutions for migraines by balancing your doshas. An Ayurvedic practitioner helps create a personalized plan, potentially incorporating:
• Detoxifies the body to remove migraine-contributing toxins.
• Includes treatments like nasya karma, oil massage, medicated ghee consumption, and sweating therapy.
• May involve lifestyle changes for overall wellness.
- Yoga:
• Combines mind and body through poses and breathing techniques.
• Eases stress, anxiety, and migraine pain.
• Specific poses like Child’s Pose and Downward-Facing Dog enhance blood flow.
- Regular Exercise:
• Reduces migraine frequency and manages symptoms.
• Releases endorphins, natural pain relievers.
• Moderate activities like brisk walking or swimming support wellness.
- Relaxation Techniques:
• Deep breathing, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and mental imagery reduce stress.
• Alleviates pain, headaches, and high blood pressure.
- Pathyadi Decoction:
• Liquid supplement with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving herbs like myrobalan and turmeric.
• Aids in migraine relief by boiling and concentrating medicinal plants.

Ayurvedic remedies embrace a holistic approach, addressing both physical and mental aspects to alleviate migraines.
Other Ayurvedic treatment for migraine headache
Ayurveda offers various methods to address migraine headaches, focusing on holistic well-being. Here are some key approaches:
• Dosha-specific nutrition is crucial, tailoring diets to pacify aggravated doshas.
• Emphasizing or avoiding certain foods based on the individual’s dosha type helps minimize triggers.
• Examples include specific fruits, vegetables, grains, animal foods, legumes, nuts, seeds, sweeteners, condiments, dairy, and oils.
- Lifestyle Modification:
• Maintaining a regular sleep schedule, eating routine, and working habits aids in preventing migraines.
• Embracing a proper morning and sleep routine, following healthy eating guidelines, managing stress, and regular exercise contribute to overall well-being.
- Yoga for Headaches:
• Yoga practices can alleviate tension and migraines by releasing tight muscles and improving blood circulation.
• Specific poses like Legs-up-the-wall and relaxation poses aid in reducing headache frequency.
- Meditation:
• Stress reduction through meditation, such as AH-OM Breath, can positively impact both tension and migraine headaches.
• Various meditation techniques, including focused breathing and mindfulness, help in calming the mind.
- Balms/Herbal Pastes:
• Herbal essential oil mixtures, like peppermint oil, can offer relief when applied to the forehead.
• Herbal pastes, such as nutmeg or sandalwood-based, provide soothing effects for different headache types.
- Aromatherapy:
• Essential oils tailored to dosha types, including heating, cooling, and nutritive oils, contribute to headache relief.
• Using aromatherapy with specific essential oils can address the underlying causes of headaches.
- Pranayama (Breathing Exercises):
• Different breathing exercises, such as Anuloma Viloma, lunar, shitali, and kapalabhati pranayama, can be beneficial based on the dosha vitiation.
- Soothing Nose Drops (Nasya):
• Applying specific oils or ghee to the nostrils, like brahmi ghee, can help alleviate migraine pain.
- Color and Gem Therapy:
• Energetic qualities of colors are utilized to balance doshas; for instance, vata types may benefit from orange and yellow.
• Gem therapy involves using specific gems and stones to balance doshas and promote healing.
Exploring these Ayurvedic approaches offers a comprehensive perspective on managing severe migraines, incorporating diet, lifestyle, yoga, meditation, aromatherapy, pranayama, and holistic therapies.

INDRAYANI (Trichosanthes tricuspidata )
JIWANTI (Ephemeranlha macrael)
KAKAD SINGHI (Pistacia Khinjuk )
KHAS KHAS (Vetiveria zizanioides )
CHIRAITO (Swertia bimaculata )
CHIRAITO (Swertia multicaulis)
DHASINGARE (Gaultheria fragrantissima)
INDRAJAU ( Holarrhena pubescens )
KAKAD SINGHI (Pistacia chinensis)
KAKOLI ( Fritillaria cirrhosa)
Medicinal Plants of Nepal! Preserving the Past, Healing the Future
PANCHAUNLE (Dactylorhiza hatagirea)