Ayurvedic Medicine for Liver Cirrhosis

Ayurvedic Medicine for Liver Cirrhosis

Ayurvedic medicine offers traditional remedies for liver cirrhosis, aiming to restore balance and vitality to the liver. Drawing from ancient Indian healing practices, Ayurvedic treatments typically involve a combination of herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes. These treatments focus on detoxification, promoting liver regeneration, and strengthening the body’s natural defenses. Herbs like kutki, bhumi amla, and punarnava are commonly used for their liver-protective and rejuvenating properties. Alongside herbal formulations, Ayurvedic practitioners often recommend dietary modifications, including a liver-friendly diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Lifestyle adjustments such as stress reduction techniques, moderate exercise, and adequate rest are also emphasized to support overall liver health. Ayurvedic medicine approaches liver cirrhosis holistically, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying imbalances within the body, with the goal of promoting long-term wellness.

Liver cirrhosis is a serious disease that can cause death if not treated in time. In Ayurveda, it is called Kumbha Kamala. Ayurvedic treatments for liver cirrhosis show effective results within a few days. Cirrhosis happens when healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue. This scarring occurs when toxins stay in the body for a long time. Normally, the liver can repair itself, but too many toxins can damage it and lead to scarring. A scarred liver cannot function properly, which leads to cirrhosis and the liver shrinking. Cirrhosis makes it hard for blood to flow through the liver and affects its ability to fight infections, produce proteins, and prevent contamination.

What is Liver Cirrhosis?

Liver cirrhosis is a severe liver disease where healthy liver tissue is slowly replaced by scar tissue. This happens because of long-term inflammation of the liver, often due to chronic hepatitis. When the liver is inflamed for a long time, it tries to heal itself by forming scar tissue. However, too much scar tissue stops the liver from working well, eventually leading to chronic liver failure.

Cirrhosis gets worse over time as more scar tissue forms. Early on, the body can adjust, and you might not notice many problems, a stage called compensated cirrhosis. Later, as liver function declines further, symptoms become more noticeable, known as decompensated cirrhosis.

Scarring in the liver blocks blood and oxygen flow, slowing the liver’s ability to process blood, handle nutrients, and filter toxins. Cirrhosis also reduces the liver’s production of bile and important blood proteins. The scar tissue can squeeze blood vessels, causing portal hypertension.

Cirrhosis is fairly common and a major reason for hospital visits and deaths, especially after middle age, because it develops slowly. In the U.S., about 0.25% of adults have cirrhosis, with higher rates in those aged 45 to 54. Cirrhosis causes around 26,000 deaths each year in the U.S., and these numbers are increasing. It is a significant global health issue.

Ayurvedic View of Liver Cirrhosis

Modern medicine for Liver Cirrhosis mainly focuses on relieving symptoms and managing complications, but it struggles to regenerate liver cells. Ayurveda offers natural herbs and remedies that might effectively treat Liver Cirrhosis. In Ayurveda, the liver is known as Yakrit, and liver problems are often linked to serious Pitta dosha issues. High Pitta dosha can lead to excessive bile production or bile flow blockages, which disrupt metabolism, absorption, and digestion.

Ayurveda calls Liver Cirrhosis “Kumbha Kamala,” which develops from untreated hepatitis or jaundice, leading to a rough liver.

Ayurvedic treatment aims to stop further liver damage and improve liver function. Treatment is personalized based on the cause, damage severity, and related health issues, with the goal of restoring normal liver function.

Doshas involved in Cirrhosis of Liver

Cirrhosis of the liver happens because of three Doshas. To understand which Doshas are involved, we look at the symptoms. Symptoms are signs that help us know about the Doshas.

Here are the symptoms:

Loss of appetite: Happens when Pitta is low and Kapha is high.

Fatigue: Comes from Kapha being too much.

Bleeding or bruising easily: Pitta being aggravated causes this.

Feeling nauseous: Kapha being aggravated leads to nausea.

Swelling in feet, ankles, and legs (Edema): Kapha being aggravated causes this.

Weight loss: Vata being aggravated leads to weight loss.

Itchy skin: Pitta and Kapha being aggravated cause this.


Redness in palms of hands: Happens when Pitta is aggravated.

Ascites (fluid in the abdomen): Kapha blocks Pitta.

Jaundice (yellowing of skin, nails, and eyes): Pitta is extremely aggravated.

Spiderlike blood vessels on skin: Pitta being aggravated causes this.

Absent or irregular periods in women: Happens when Vata is aggravated.

Loss of sex drive: Vata being aggravated leads to this.

Breast enlargement in men: Vata being aggravated causes this.

Hepatic encephalitis (confusion, drowsiness, slurred speech): Vata being aggravated leads to these symptoms.

At the beginning, Pitta is the main Dosha involved, but towards the end, it shifts more towards Vata

Signs of liver Cirrhosis

Early signs of liver cirrhosis include:

•           Nausea or loss of appetite

•           Feeling weak or tired

•           Feeling generally unwell

•           Pain in the upper right part of the abdomen

•           Visible blood vessels that look like spiders

•           Red palms

Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis fall into two groups: those from liver damage and those from high blood pressure in the liver’s portal vein.

Symptoms from liver damage:

•           Yellow skin and eyes (jaundice)

•           Itchy skin without a rash

•           Dark pee and light poop

•           Trouble digesting fats

•           Small yellow fat deposits on skin or eyelids

•           Unexplained weight and muscle loss

•           Confusion and mood changes (hepatic encephalopathy)

•           Muscle twitching and control issues

•           Irregular menstrual cycles

•           Enlarged breasts and smaller testes in men

Symptoms from high blood pressure in the liver:

•           Swollen abdomen

•           Swelling in hands, feet, legs, or face

•           Easy bruising and bleeding

•           Blood in vomit or poop

•           Low urine output

•           Shortness of breath

Cause of Liver Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is when your liver gets scarred due to long-term inflammation. The main causes are:

1.         Alcohol-induced hepatitis: Long-term heavy drinking damages the liver.

2.         Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH): Fat buildup in the liver from issues like high cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure.

3.         Chronic hepatitis C: A viral infection that usually becomes long-term and can now be cured with antiviral medications.

4.         Chronic hepatitis B: Another viral infection that can become lifelong, treatable but not curable.

Other less common causes include:

•           Autoimmune diseases: Conditions like autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cholangitis cause the immune system to attack the liver.

•           Genetic disorders: Inherited conditions like cystic fibrosis and Wilson disease lead to harmful substances accumulating in the liver.

•           Toxic hepatitis: Long-term exposure to certain toxins or medications, including some painkillers, can damage the liver.

•           Cardiovascular issues: Problems like congestive heart failure or chronic ischemia that affect blood flow to the liver.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Liver Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is a long-term liver condition caused by various liver diseases. It happens when the liver slowly loses its ability to work properly. Healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, which blocks blood flow through the liver. When the liver fails, its healthy cells shrink, and the liver becomes fibrous. Recovery at this stage is difficult, but Ayurvedic treatments may help regenerate healthy liver cells. The liver has many important jobs, like removing toxins from the body and fighting infections. However, too many toxins can stop the liver from working well.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Liver Cirrhosis
Ayurvedic Medicine for Liver Cirrhosis

If there are too many toxins, liver cells (called Hepatocytes) swell, break, and get clogged with fat while trying to remove the toxins. If toxins remain, the liver cells die and are covered with scar tissue. This severe liver damage is known as Cirrhosis.

Kakamachi (Solanum Nigrum):

Kakamachi is a potent herb used in Ayurveda to support liver health. It has hepatoprotective properties that help protect the liver from damage. This herb is particularly beneficial for preventing and managing liver cirrhosis by enhancing liver function and mitigating complications associated with this condition. By improving liver health, Kakamachi helps in maintaining overall well-being and reducing the progression of liver diseases.

Bhumi Amalki (Phyllanthus niruri):

Bhumi Amalki is renowned in Ayurvedic medicine for treating fatty liver and cirrhosis. It contains active compounds like alkaloids, saponins, and tannins that boost liver function and offer protection against further damage. This herb is effective in detoxifying the liver, thereby clearing harmful substances and promoting better liver health. Its natural properties help regenerate liver cells and prevent the advancement of liver cirrhosis.

Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa):

Punarnava is highly effective for treating liver diseases, including alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis. It prevents liver enlargement and supports the regeneration of hepatic tissues, leading to faster healing of the damaged liver. Punarnava rejuvenates the liver and enhances its functions, offering protection against further cellular damage. Regular use of Punarnava can help prevent complications arising from fatty liver and cirrhosis.

Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa):

Kutki is a powerful herb with strong hepatoprotective properties. It shields the liver from the harmful effects of alcohol and toxins, thereby improving liver function. Kutki helps in removing fat deposits from the liver and can reverse hepatotoxicity caused by drugs like Paracetamol. Studies have highlighted its effectiveness in treating liver disorders, reducing inflammation, and promoting liver regeneration, making it beneficial for managing cirrhosis.

Kalmegh (Andrographis Paniculata):

Kalmegh is a potent Ayurvedic liver tonic that aids in restoring liver functions and repairing liver damage. It is effective in treating various liver disorders, including fatty liver and cirrhosis. Kalmegh helps repair hepatic injury, reduce the toxic effects of alcohol, and prevent enzyme leakage into the bloodstream. It also has promising effects against chronic hepatitis B viral infection, further supporting liver health and preventing cirrhosis progression.

Bhringaraja Juice:

It has a lot of proteins, vitamins, and things that fight harmful substances. These help keep the body safe from infections. Bhringraj also protects liver cells from damage caused by harmful substances called free radicals. It does this because it has properties that protect the liver and stop these harmful substances from causing damage. Have one teaspoon of bhringaraja juice three times a day. If it tastes bitter, you can add a little honey. This is good especially for people with infantile liver cirrhosis.

Milk thistle

Milk thistle is a plant that has a special part called silymarin. This part has things like silybin, silychristin, and silydianin, which are good at fighting harmful substances in the body and making liver cells healthier. They also help with reducing swelling.


Daruharidra is a herb that helps with digestion and blood circulation. It makes you hungry and is good for fevers. It’s especially great for jaundice and liver problems. It can also help with rheumatism, malaria, skin issues, diabetes, and clearing out toxins from the body. You can take it as a powder, in a drink, as a special butter, in eye drops, or as a paste. But be careful if you have certain health issues.


Kakamachi is another plant that fights cancer, reduces inflammation, and protects the liver. It’s good for fevers, stomach issues, and skin problems. You can use its juice to heal skin wounds and ulcers. Its fruits help with asthma, make you hungry, and can act as a laxative.


Pippali is useful for a lot of problems like belly swelling, coughs, and joint pain. It’s good for liver issues and can be taken in different forms like a tea, powder, or oil.


Guduchi is good for digestion and blood flow. It helps with fevers, jaundice, and joint pain. It boosts your immune system and makes your blood cleaner.

Ayurvedic Liver Cirrhosis Treatments

In Ayurveda, liver issues are linked to an imbalance in a thing called Pitta Dosha. When this happens, the liver, which Ayurveda calls “Yakrit,” doesn’t work well. This can be due to too much bile or blockages. If not treated, conditions like jaundice or hepatitis can lead to chronic problems like liver cirrhosis, where the liver gets rough and dry.

Panchakarma Therapy Panchakarma therapy is the first treatment suggested for liver cirrhosis. It aims to balance the body’s doshas (elements) and detoxify organs. Liver cirrhosis happens when the liver can’t replace damaged cells well, affecting its functions like:

•           Controlling infections.

•           Removing toxins from the blood.

•           Processing nutrients and hormones.

•           Making proteins that help blood clot.

•           Producing bile for fat absorption.

Panchakarma therapy for liver cirrhosis mainly uses two techniques:

1.         Virechana (purification therapy): Clears excess Pitta from the liver and gall bladder, helping cleanse the digestive tract.

2.         Vamana (stomach cleansing): Removes toxins through the mouth, boosting metabolism.

Herbal Medications Herbal remedies, made from natural plants and herbs, are common in Ayurveda for various diseases. They promote overall well-being and are effective against liver cirrhosis. Some herbs beneficial for liver health include:

•           Milk thistle: Rich in antioxidants, it aids liver cell regeneration and reduces inflammation.

•           Bhringraj: Packed with proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants, it protects liver cells from damage.

•           Punarnava: Improves digestion, manages body weight, and protects the liver from cell damage caused by free radicals.

Tips for Liver Cirrhosis

Diet Changes What you eat can help you stay healthy and avoid getting sick. Ayurveda, an ancient medical system, says that eating well is the best way to stay healthy. Eating nutritious foods can give you energy, improve your health, and make you feel happier. Good nutrition, being active, and keeping a healthy weight are all important for staying healthy.

Here are some diet tips from Ayurveda to prevent liver diseases:

1.         Avoid caffeine.

2.         Drink juices like papaya and grapes, and follow a fruit and milk diet for two to three weeks to cleanse your liver.

3.         Eat a balanced diet with lots of vegetables, fruits, and nuts/grains.

4.         Avoid oil and fatty foods.

5.         Eat enough protein.

6.         Limit salt intake.

Lifestyle Changes Nowadays, many people are getting sick because they don’t move around enough. So, making good lifestyle choices is very important for staying healthy. Having a healthy lifestyle can help you live longer without getting sick. Lifestyle choices can improve your quality of life and how long you live. Ayurveda says that just taking medicine might not be enough to get better, but making healthy choices in life can help.

Here are some lifestyle tips to help with liver cirrhosis:

1.         Eat your meals at the same time every day.

2.         Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

3.         Stick to a regular sleep schedule.

4.         Avoid gluten in your diet.

5.         Use warm water enemas to clean your bowels and improve digestion.

6.         Do breathing exercises and other physical activities regularly.

Yoga for Liver Problems

Yoga is a really good way to stay healthy and avoid getting sick. People have been doing it for a long time because it helps their bodies in many ways. It’s a mix of exercises and meditation that make you more flexible, calm your mind, and make your body stronger. Doing these yoga poses every day can make your organs work better, especially if you have liver cirrhosis.

Locust Pose

This pose is good for your posture and helps if you sit a lot. It can also ease pain in your lower back and make the muscles in your back stronger, especially the ones that support your spine.

Downward-Facing Dog Pose

This pose has lots of benefits, like making your core stronger, making your bones stronger, giving more blood to your brain, making your arms stronger, and making your body stand up straighter.

Squat Pose

This pose is great for your digestion, helps your body use energy better, and keeps your pelvis and hips healthy.

In conclusion, Ayurvedic medicine offers a holistic approach to managing liver cirrhosis, focusing on balancing the body’s energies, improving digestion, and supporting liver function through natural remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications. While Ayurvedic treatments may provide symptomatic relief and potentially slow down the progression of liver damage, it’s essential to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner and integrate these therapies alongside conventional medical care for comprehensive management of liver cirrhosis. Additionally, further research is needed to better understand the efficacy and safety of Ayurvedic interventions in the treatment of liver cirrhosis, ensuring the best possible outcomes for patients.




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